Man Forced To Sell PS5 After Wife Finds Out It's Not an Air Purifier

One man's cunning plan to trick his wife into letting him get the new PS5 completely backfired after she figured it out, and what happened next has left everyone shocked...

People all around the country had been anticipating the release of the new PS5...

For some of us, it was the only thing getting us through the year. And it's finally here!

Although one man's dreams got shattered after tricking his wife into buying the games console totally backfired...

His story is enough to bring any gamer to tears.

Now, the PlayStation first launched in 1994.

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Fast-forward twenty-six-years, the PlayStation has since had 8 different generations including many other pieces of hardware and add-ons.

The PlayStation 4 was announced in 2013...

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And this was also when the PlayStation App was introduced, allowing users to use their smartphones and tablets as a second screen to enhance gameplay.

The technology now used is truly amazing...

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And Sony is now one of the leading technology companies in the world.

With the PlayStation 4 being a little bit on the rusty side...

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Fans have been eagerly anticipating the release of the new generation PlayStation.

And finally, the wait is over.

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In April last year, it was announced by video game designer, Mark Cerny, that the PlayStation 5 would be coming in 2020. And, to be realistic, the release has been the only good thing to happen this year.

In the build-up for the new console...

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It didn't take long for some secretive details to be leaked online.

From what the leaks suggested, things sound pretty interesting...

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It supports 4K gaming, as well as being compatible with all old PS4 games, which is a lifesaver.

Playstation first revealed the console on June 4th...

And it's felt like a lifetime ever since.

Sadly, not everyone has been lucky enough to purchase the new PlayStation...

But one man who did manage to get his hands on one has been forced by his wife to sell it.

You might think that's a bit harsh...

But this was after he lied and told her his brand new console was an air purifier.

She eventually figured out he was lying and forced him to give it up...

Apparently, at first, his lie seemed pretty convincing.

But after a rat died in their home, she became suspicious due to the lingering smell.

After a few days, his wife figured out that their slick air purifier wasn't an air purifier after all.

She forced him to sell the $450 device online...

Mr Wu, from Taiwan, explained how he spotted the PS5 going for cheaper than usual on Facebook.

As soon as he saw it, he arranged to meet up with the seller...

Although he was slightly suspicious about the price.

After all, it did sound a little too good to be true.

Before he met with the seller, he called to confirm, only to be greeted by a female voice, which he thought was odd.

He explained how the seller sounded eager to get rid of the console.

Mr. Wu wrote in a Facebook post about the whole ordeal: “When the seller arrived, it turned out to be a middle-aged man. You could tell that he definitely played video games, just with a single look."

Wu asked where the man had originally bought the PlayStation from...

He revealed it was from a well-known Taiwanese retailer, before admitting: "It's my wife who wants to sell it."

Wu continued: "I went silent after seeing the look in his eyes. I could feel his pain."

"Seems like women can still tell the difference between a PS5 console and an air purifier." Clearly, he just wasn't as clever as he thought. Keep scrolling for more on the latest console...