Before and After Pics of Special Hand Cream to Fix Dry, Cracked Hands is Enough to Order Gallons

Keeping your hands soft is more than just a vanity thing - it's a necessity for life. Anyone who's struggled with hands so dry they begin to crack and peel know it's absolutely no fun. The pain is very real, and for some, nothing seems to work to improve the situation. Until now.


The O'Keeffe's Working Hands Hand Cream is a cult classic - and for good reason. Many cite it as the only solution for their dry hand woes. Don't believe us? The before and after pictures say it all.


The hand cream works by helping to restore the skin's natural barrier. This prevents water loss through the skin and allows your hands to retain that much-needed moisture. Over time, this can help them to heal from their dry, chapped, and cracked state back to their former glory.

We hope you find these products as awesome as we do. Just an FYI: We are a participant in the Amazon affiliate program, and may receive a share of sales from links on this page. Prices on Amazon fluctuate so anything mentioned below might change as soon we publish it!

The reviews of this miracle cream speak for themselves, too. "O'Keeffe's working hands cream has really really helped my hands through using prescription creams at high strength steroid creams nothing would move my dermatitis/eczema. I have not needed to put it on all day hands seem to be keeping somewhat waxy but not greasy but dry to touch things if that makes sense. Used to put on the creams in past tense and within 5 mins my hands would be breaking out again as the cream dried in. As I write this order I know what I am going to do right after it, I am getting another tub right away!" writes one 5-star reviewer.

Another agrees, adding: "It's good stuff! I've had very thick, hard skin on my knuckles for years. It must be over 20 years. I've tried loads of things. Every once in a while I would file it down. The palms of my hands were cracked and painful. Now. I put some of this stuff on my hands before I went to sleep. The next morning, no mistake. A huge improvement. Healing up too. I carried on like this. After a week the hard skin on my palms was gone. Clean new skin. I'm 55 now and I haven't had hands like this since I was a teenager. It's fantastic stuff! It really is."

Are you tempted by this magic lotion. You can grab your very own right here.