'Australia's Dumbest Criminal' Described as 'Hopeless' by His Own Lawyer
10 September 2020
There's a reason that the war on drugs never ends.
As time goes on, people smuggling drugs through airports and across borders are getting more inventive with their ideas. For every person that security catches, there are ten others that have managed to get away with it. Pretty risky business.
But, of course, the rewards make it tempting to some. Stick with us as we expose his mugshot as well as a list of the most inventive ways that people have been caught smuggling drugs - including one man described as "Australia's dumbest criminal."
via: Buzznick
I would advise that you keep these away from children and every other human being.via: Buzznick
Also known as illegal steroids, in this case. I wonder what this guy gets up to in his spare time...via: Buzznick
This is a snack that you really don't want to nibble on.via: Buzznick
Forty-two bottles of liquid drugs. God can't save you now.via: Buzznick
I think that this guy had a screw loose...via: Buzznick
Let's hope that the chocolate doesn't melt. Well, it kind of did.via: Twitter
This was not the breast way of smuggling drugs into another country...via: Twitter
They even went to the trouble of staining the drugs black and still got caught. Sucks to be you.via: Daily Mail
Too obvious. If you're carrying an avocado, you're probably going to get searched.via: Daily Mail
We can't forget about this old classic, can we? You could have celebrated if you weren't caught...via: NSW Police
Like "hopeless, negligent and shambolic."via: NSW Police
"In some senses it was a hopeless execution of the task he was asked to perform."via: NSW Police
That's gotta hurt!