Cute Potty Training Toilet Is 14% Off and a Must for All Parents

Every parent knows potty training is up there with some of the most challenging milestones you and your child undertake. However, Amazon is selling a Summer My Size Potty that'll make both your lives a little easier.

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No matter when you feel your little one should start potty training, sooner or later you'll have to help your child out of the diaper stage and onto the potty, quite literally...


Because they can't just sit on adult-size toilet bowls, you'll have to facilitate this new phase, and that's where Amazon's Summer My Size Potty comes in.

While you can get attachments for your toilet or regular potty training chairs, the My Size Potty is the perfect medium.


Not only does it look like a real toilet, but it also makes a flushing sound, too!

This 2-in-1 potty training toilet also contains space for wipes or to store their favorite books.


It's easy to clean and features a removable toilet seat, so your child can transition to a bigger toilet.

Over 3,500 happy parents give this potty training toilet a whopping 5-stars...


One customer wrote: "Is it over the top? Yes. Would I purchase it again? Absolutely. I randomly hear my husband walk by it mumbling, "this is ridiculous". Regardless my 2-year-old is obsessed with "flushing it" and wants to sit on it all the time. I wish I could go back in time and purchase it for my now f5-year-old, who I thought was going to be sixteen before we potty trained him. Would recommend it!"

This realistic-looking toilet might be exactly what your little one needs to feel like a big kid, ready to get the job done!


What's even better is it's currently fourteen percent off! Get yours here.