Handy is in the eye of the beholder, but sometimes you be-holding the wrong gadget for the job at hand. This list of some of the handiest gadgets around will lead you to the land of sunshine and happiness that we all long for when we’re knee deep in our daily grind - one where there's a nifty tool designed to solve our every problem. Amazon is our gadget genie, and your wish is their command.
And if you didn’t realize you needed a James Bond style top secret, “very legal, very cool” stash holder disguised as a marker, or an otherworldly toilet light for those late night trips to the bathroom, then maybe you’re just not living right! Time to dust off that imagination and see where the day (and this list) takes you.
We hope you find these products as awesome as we do. Just an FYI: We are a participant in the Amazon affiliate program, and may receive a share of sales from links on this page. Prices on Amazon fluctuate so anything mentioned below might change as soon we publish it!
We hope you find these handy products as awesome as we do. Just an FYI: we participate in affiliate programs, and may receive a share of sales from links on this page.

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Lightning cables don't HAVE to constantly destroy themselves.
This LED Shower Head Will Make Showering So Fun You’ll Want To Put A Disco Ball In The Bathroom
Don’t do that, because the last thing you need are spontaneous dance parties breaking out in there. After all, there just isn’t room for a DJ between the vanity and the linens. Seriously, this gadget is great for setting the mood you want to carry with you through the work day or a night out, and there are few things that make a child want to shower more. Win-Win-Win.Speaking Of Bathrooms, This Go Girl Will Change How You Go When You’re On The Go

No more leg-trembling crouch, no more poison ivy on the buns. Designed by doctors and made in the USA, the
Go Girl gives you the freedom to pee anywhere a guy can pee! The world is now your toilet, and port-a-potties will never be so terrifying again. Equal pay for equal work not included.
The Go Girl Will Give You Drier Buns, And Now We Give You Dryer Balls. Because The Only Problem With Fabric Softener Is Everything

It’s expensive, it smells like unicorn sweat, it clogs up the lint screen, and it’s a hassle to add to the wash. Forget all that with these cute AF little penguins. Just add a few to the dryer, and watch the savings (and the eco-savings) rack up. Not only are they all natural and hypo-allergenic, but they reduce drying time by up to 40%! Single best use for
tiny penguins ever.
Like if you’re ever in a horror movie you won’t be one of the chumps who gets got because they were fumbling with their dumb keys and couldn’t get in the house fast enough to avoid Jason or whoever. Also the next time you lose your keys whoever finds them will know that you had style and panache. You probably won’t get them back though, because they’ll be keeping this sweet keychain/cash stash/bottle opener.The Thanos Gauntlet Bottle Opener Is All The Reason You Need To Drink More Things From Bottles

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Sure, it’s a novelty item for your man cave, but it’s so cool! And it
actually serves a purpose, unlike the thousand tchotchkes your better half has lying about on every horizontal surface gathering dust and driving you to open more bottles with this nerdy but still awesome
swagalicious gauntlet. Too bad it doesn’t spew out beer-propriate Thanos quotes when used, such as “You should have gone for the (beer) head."
Keep Your Headphones in This Handy and Stylish Organizer

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No more tangled cords! Just wrap them around this stylish leather organizer and put them in your pocket. Next time you need them, simply unwrap and go!
This HyperWhistle Is Just What You Need To Complete Your Tech-Based Transformation Into A Superhuman

We all know one of those loud AF finger whistlers. Every time you try to emulate their actions you just end up spitting and sputtering all over your hands. That’s dumb, and it’s got to stop. No one will be out-whistling your whistling when you’re sporting
this. It’s so loud (142dB!!!) that you can hear it two miles away. Good thing it comes with hearing protection. Too bad it doesn’t come with hearing protection for everyone around you.
You’ll Never Screw Anything Again Without Using This Magnetizer/Demagnetizer Gadget First
Puns aside, imagine the time and frustration you’ll save yourself when trying to assemble that tricycle on Christmas Eve if you don’t have to run to the local S-Mart to find replacement screws for the ones that fell into the wormhole that apparently opened up in your house right when you dropped ANOTHER SCREW. Simple, easy to magnetize/demagnetize, and as the meme says, it just works.
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Ever been applying one kind of makeup and then need to apply another kind, but worry that some of the Plumberry Glow will end up in the Rose Silk and you’ll never live it down? Your troubles are over. This little whirling dervish will spin the eff out of your makeup brushes until they are both clean AND dry. Boom. What else could you ask for? I mean, world peace and all that, but realistically clean makeup brushes are the next best thing, and unlike world peace it’s fun to watch.The Tubshroom Will Catch All The Hair You Shed Before It Clogs Your Pipes

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A $12 piece of silicone that'll save you hundreds in plumbing bills.
The Marker Stash Can Is A Brilliant Way To Hide Your Basil, Oregano, And Other Herbs In Plain Sight

It looks like a marker, it writes like a marker, it smells like a… skunk. But two out of three ain’t bad, as Meatloaf once said. The barrel of this
slick little gadget is hollow, leaving you a space to fill with cash, jewelry or whatever needs hidden. The description suggests maybe you’d like to secure your “herbs" in there, but it also mentions “other goodies." So, I guess maybe gummy bears?
The Monster And Son Beard Shaping Tool Is Going To Finally Allow You To Have The Coiffured Beard Of Your Dreams

This crazy cool little tool is all it takes to tame those unruly follicles. Large and ergonomically designed, this
shaper guide is perfect for today’s in-your-face beards. Just pick your favorite style, sharpen that straight blade and get to shaving that thang. With a little practice and the help of the ghost of Salvador Dali you too can sport the elusive Pencil-Thin Mustache of song.
Too Bad Your Mom’s Aunt Dorothy Didn’t Have One Of These Rub-A-Way Bar Stainless Steel Odor Absorbers

Because whenever she’d go to pinch your cheeks, which you totally loved, her hands smelled like a mix of cigarettes, garlic, and Ivory soap. And then your cheeks smelled like that, and cheeks (face cheeks) are nose-adjacent. Gross. So how does it work? Google says the stainless steel molecules bind with the stink molecules, blah blah blah. Fake news. I suspect it’s the stink gnomes that live inside
the bar.
These Moso Purifying Bags Are The Only Kind Of Charcoal You'll Actually WANT In Your Stocking

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Moso's cornered the activated charcoal market, and for good reason. Their simple, top-quality bags veritably drink in odors of all kinds, from nasty feet, to spoiled chicken. And all through the power of activated charcoal.
This Styling Station For All Your Haircare Tools

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Raise your hand if every time you want to blow-dry your hair, you have to get down on your hands and knees and rummage through a disorganized under-the-sink space to find the thing. I thought so. This styling station eliminates that problem in one fell swoop.
This Ultra-Popular Steamer Makes Laborious Ironing A Thing Of The Past

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Once relegated to dry-cleaners and high-end hotels, steamers are now smaller and cheaper than ever. Just fire up the PurSteam and run it over your clothes and watch the wrinkles fall away. It’s easier than ironing, and cheaper than running the shower on high for an hour.
Put An End To Pen Envy! The TakeFlight Tactical Pen Will Guarantee You’re The Coolest Cat At All Future Company Meetings

This is way more rad than the stupid Mont Blanc pen that Russ from Accounting is so proud of just because it cost more than your weekly salary. Russ is the worst. But
this pen is the best. It has a handy multi-tool hidden inside, aircraft-grade aluminum for supreme durability, a wicked sweet flashlight on one end, a window breaker for folks who don’t like being trapped in sinking cars, and… a pen. The glass breaking end can also be used as a ninja weapon, if you’re cool like that. One thing it won’t break? The bank.
You’ll Never Stop Being Surprised By The Motion Activated RainBowl Toilet Light

Fortunately it’s the perfect place to have the ____ scared out of you. Seriously though, the coolness factor cannot be overstated here. You’ll buy it for the kids, maybe even as a potty-training tool, but you’ll find yourself going to the bathroom your own self - several times a day in some cases. You already do that, you say? Fine, but it’s clearly superior to go in the otherworldly glow of
mood-enhancing LEDs, so get off your duff and light up your duff already.
You’ll Never Be The Laughing Stock At Your Own Party Again With These Whiskey Stones In Your Repertoire

We’ve all seen it: Some poor sap putting frozen water in their wine or whiskey, only to watch it melt and ruin an otherwise perfectly good drink. That’s alcohol abuse. But how do I chill my drink that I like chilled even though it’s not supposed to be chilled?
Whiskey Stones, that’s how. And they’re a great conversation starter too. “What are those things in your drink?" They’re Whiskey Stones, you Philistine.
Disclaimer: These are neither stones nor whiskey.
The Mighty Handle Triples Your Lifting Power

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Anything that minimizes my grocery-carrying trips between the car and the house, I'm on board for.

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Man, now I want some cheese.
Yep, It’s The One And Only Wine Condom. Nope, It’s Not What You Think

Let’s say that you open a bottle of wine. You with me? Now, let’s say you don’t finish it. I feel like I lost a lot of you there, but bear with me. Uncorked wine gets nasty quick, once all the foul micro-organisms floating about in the air get to jacking things up in there. Enter the
one-size-fits-all bottle sealer in the fun but slightly naughty condom wrapper. And it’s 99.9% effective at preventing “accidents," which means they’re even better at sealing off the goods than actual condoms.
This Ultra-Cheap Can Colander Just Makes So Much Sense

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Why did I just discover this?

Literally, it will make your backpack lighter. Instead of bringing a charger for this, a charger for that, and a charger for your whiffle ball bat, you just bring this handy little
Disc of Power and voila! All your Qi-enabled devices can use the same nifty juicer. Just don’t use it for frisbee, a coaster, or to actually juice something. That’s a different kind of juice.
Angry Mama Will Change The Way You Clean Your Microwave. Yes, You’re Supposed To Clean It
This radical little lady will take all the crap off of your microwave, but will not stand for any crap from you. Because she’s angry, she’s no-nonsense, and she has her hands on her hips to prove it. No more breaking out the napalm and sandblaster to clean the baked on mess from the interior of your magic cooking machine. Science plus steam plus vinegar equals a microwave you can eat off of. Or out of. Whatever. Just watch yourself, youngster.This Crazy Cool Bearz Outdoor Blanket Might Be The Best Thing To Happen To Beach Days Since Sunscreen

It’s sandproof, it’s waterproof, and it doubles as a rain shelter. Clever features like tent stake loops and corner pockets for weights make this
a must-have for spontaneous nature hikes, beach trips, festivals, and trips to Mars. Now you know what you’ll bring when you finally make it on Survivor. You’ll be the only one at tribal council without sand in your crevices.
The UnbuckleMe Could Literally Save A Life, But It Will Definitely Save You Time And Ouchy Fingers

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It could also save your kids’ ears from a litany of swear words as you unsuccessfully attempt to unbuckle them from their car seat while contorting yourself into a pretzel to reach the diabolically designed release button. Sorry we’re not all double-jointed masters of escape, but this
little tool will make you feel like Houdini. Now if only you could disappear at whim.
You’ll Be Begging For A Plague Of Locusts With This Bug-A-Salt Bug Gun On Your Side

Nothing says summer like eight million stinkbugs pestering their way into your home’s every crevice. Nothing says satisfaction like an IRL game of Fortnight with bugs and this
salt gun. Fun for the whole family! And they make accessories, too. Be the first on your block to sport the laser scope, for long distance bug sniping.

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Yep, chain mail is the best way to keep your cast iron clean.
These Insane TwistieMag Magnetic Twist Ties Are Insane. There Is Nothing You Cannot Do With These Things

I mean, you can’t fly with them. Or otherwise transport yourself. Or cook something in them. Or… okay, there are a lot of things you can’t do with them. But there are a zillion things you can do, mostly related to fastening things. They only thing
these babies won’t hold up are banks. And convenience stores. They’re chip clips, cord wraps, curtain holders, fridge magnets, and all-purpose fidget wickets. Plus, they have a lifetime warranty.

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There's nothing worse than stopping a project to search for that crucial screw or nail. Well, with the MagnoGrip, you'll have all your necessary hardware close at hand (er, wrist).

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Because there's a better place to put that sauce-covered spoon than your previously clean countertop.
This Onxe LED Clock Fan Is Why They Decided To Make A Future
Plug this into any powered USB port to experience the pinnacle of scientific achievement, all in your very own cubicle. What you’ll get is the cooling breeze of a personal fan, minus the palm fronds and grapes, plus a nifty LED clock that appears to float in the air. Leave attention grabbing notes via the programmable message display as well, like “Happy Birthday Boss Person" or “I Quit But My Fan Won’t."This Flexible Grip Holder For Smartphones And Tablets Will Replace Your Best Friend In Your Heart Of Hearts

No exaggeration. Once this puppy arrives at your door you can unceremoniously trash all your other device stands and holders because their subpar nature will be as obvious to you as ketchup on a wedding dress. This thing is the bride, the groom AND the wedding party of
all-purpose holders. The metal skeleton and rubber skin make it so easy to adapt to any situation, from GPS in the car or on a bike, to a camera holder that will attach to virtually any surface or structure. Bonus: it looks like an enormous spider.
Goodbye fuzzy mystery fruit, hello grapes that are older than you but still look vine fresh. We’ve all done it: bought all the fixings for a tasty salad, then gotten called away for two weeks of critical black ops in Ukraine, only to return to a mess of rotten nastiness in the produce drawer. Well, no more. This magical little gadget doubles or triples the life of your kale and cranberries, and does it without chemicals or other unpleasantness, which is more than I can say for what happened in Kiev.These Garden Genie Gloves Are Just What You Need To Finish Off That Halloween Costume
And you can garden with them, too! Whether you’re a horticulturist or just need to supplement your Freddy Krueger, bear, or Furry costume, these ingenious ABS plastic claw gloves are just what you need. The only nightmare on YOUR street is that you can’t find your Garden Genie gloves. No more filthy, broken nails, no more having the lame gloveless costume at Comic Con, and no more crying yourself to sleep at night because you couldn’t find your gardening spade. The only problem is that genies don’t have claws. At least mine doesn’t.These Cheap and Effective Cable Clips

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Stick these little bad boys on your desk at home or at work and your life will instantly transform. No more getting down on the ground scrounging around for your charger.
These Little Spectacle Cleaners Will Change The Way You See The World

Your eyecare professional tells you not to use your shirt to clean your specs, but hey… you’re usually wearing one, and it’s cotton after all. Or is it? No telling these days WHAT your clothes are made of, but judging from the scratches on your lenses it’s tiny tiny strands of barbed wire. NO MORE. These compact
lil buggers are handy as heck and designed to do one thing: clean glasses. Glasses, bifocals, monocles, heck, they even clean sunglasses. Amazing.
These LED Flashlight Gloves Will Get You Back Outdoors Collecting Rare Spider Specimens Like You Never Missed A Beat
Even newbs know that you don’t just go blindly feeling around in the dark for that elusive British Horrid Ground-Weaver. What if you stumble into the web of the venomous Huntsman Spider? You’ll be regretting that one, my good sir or ma’am. Sport these handy dandy LED gloves to shed some light on the situation. Also good for finding a keyhole in the dark, freeing up a hand for quick low-light repairs, or other things non-spider hunting folks do.The Le Touch Hand Warmer Will Make That Expedition To The South Pole A Flippin’ Breeze
Okay, not really. But your hands will still be toasty even if you can’t feel any of your other extremities. It’s the modern equivalent of fired stones, but so much less burny. Auto power-off conserves batteries while three temperature settings make it easy to adjust for your specific needs. Like the Swiss army knife of hand warmers, it helps ease the pain of cramps and arthritis, plus it doubles as a portable device charger.I Won't Mince Words: These Chefast Herb Scissors Will Make Your Dreams Come True
As long as those dreams are to cut up herbs and whatnot with ease and a certain smugness, knowing you’ve got the best tool for the job and you’re not afraid to use it. Made of high quality stainless steel, these awesome little shears have a lifetime guarantee and come with two herb bags and a cleaning tool. The kids can use them for art projects and impromptu haircuts as well, but they’ll have to buy their own, because KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY HERB SCISSORS.Things Are Turning Around For You Now That This GrowUpSmart Card Holder Set Has Brought UNO Back Into Your Life
Cancel your psychiatrist appointments, because the maddening wait while your wonderful but small-handed child digs through their stack for the still-not-quite-right card is over. This must-have gadget keeps the cards clean of greasy chip fingers, displays them for ease of viewing, and makes it nigh impossible to hide that you’re down to two cards. Okay, so it’s not perfect. And no, you may not play that Draw Four unless you’re out of this color.