It can be tough to be a grown-up. You have so many responsibilities, like having to hold down a job, find a place to live, and wear pants out in public. Luckily, there are products out there designed to make this grown-up life just a bit easier and, dare I say it, even kind of fun, too. So sit back, relax, and start scrolling to discover how to be the best adult you can be.
Oh, and did I mention that all 37 of these clever, surprisingly affordable, and definitely life-changing products also happen to get stellar reviews? It sounds too good to be true, right?!
We hope you find these products as awesome as we do. Just an FYI: We are a participant in the Amazon affiliate program, and may receive a share of sales from links on this page. Prices on Amazon fluctuate so anything mentioned below might change as soon we publish it!
We hope you find these handy products as awesome as we do. Just an FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.
This Veggie Spiralizer That Makes It Easy (And Fun!) To Eat Healthy
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I know what you're thinking: How on earth could vegetables ever replace pasta in my carb-loving heart? I had doubts myself, but this veggie spiralizer completely changed my mind. It's ridiculously easy to use, and you'll be shocked at how delicious these spirals are when boiled to perfection and topped with olive oil and freshly grated parm. I may never eat pasta again!This Mop and Broom Holder That Makes You Feel SO Organized
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I recently decided to invest in some cleaning supplies once I realized that a roll of paper towels and some Windex probably wasn't cutting it. The problem is that I didn't have anywhere to store my newly acquired brooms and mops. Until I bought this awesome holder, that is. It mounts conveniently to the wall and holds your supplies securely and safely.This Heavy-Duty Umbrella That Every Adult Should Own
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It's embarrassing to admit how long it was until I bought myself a decent umbrella. I always waited until I was stuck in a downpour with no protection, then was forced to run into a convenience store and grab the flimsiest thing on the planet that broke two seconds after buying it. This umbrella is not only windproof, but it also has a Teflon coating that repels water so you stay dry during even the most gnarly of storms.This Vitamin C Serum That Takes Years Off Your Face
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I recently had a baby, and it wasn't until I noticed how smooth and perfect my three-month-old's skin was that I realized how rough mine looked by comparison. I had to do something about it, but, since most of my money goes to diapers these days, it needed to be both cheap and effective. Luckily, this vitamin C serum is both of those things, and I honestly don't know how I went out in public without it.This Waterproof Backpack That's A Must For Traveling
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Up your hiking game with this durable backpack, which features an ultra-lightweight design that's easy to pack and won't take up much space in your suitcase. The rip-resistant fabric repels water so its contents stay dry, while the spacious interior gives you plenty of room for your outdoor essentials. Plus, the variety of color options will make you want to buy one to match everything in your closet.This Clever Sleeve That Hides Ugly Cables
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My desk is, in a word, messy. I have about a million things plugged into one outlet (can you say "fire hazard"?) and the cords are so tangled that it makes the entire room look extremely cluttered. So when a friend told me about this cable sleeve, I bought it immediately. For under $15 bucks, my office got a major upgrade. I should probably consider unplugging a few things...This Back-Of-TV Lighting That Upgrades Movie Night
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I haven't gone to a movie in years, mostly because I'm lazy, but also because I bought this Backlight Kit, which is sticky lighting that mounts onto the back of my TV and transforms my living room into the optimal movie-viewing destination. Trust me, you need this. All for just $10 bucks! Just think of how much that saves you in movie tickets!These Stress Balls That Melt Away Tense Muscles
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I have a lot of stress in my life. Who doesn't?! But while most normal people tend to go for a jog, get a massage, or meditate to help relieve this stress, I tend to simply push it down further and further until it comes out in unhealthy ways, like when I get irrationally angry when someone cuts me off in traffic. These stress balls can be used on multiple parts of the body and melt away tension like magic.These Tough Towels That Do The Dirty Work For You
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Big messes are a common occurrence at my house, and I needed to call in the big guns when I realized that my regular household cleaner just wasn't doing the trick. This Tub 'o Towels can tackle even the messiest jobs, and the larger size means that just one towel can cover a surprising amount of surface area. One of these tubs will last you way longer than you'd expect.This Touch-Up Paint That's WAY Easier Than Normal Paint
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Painting is one of those household chores that no one likes to do, so you put it off for so long that by the time you actually get around to it, it's a much bigger job than it would have been if you hadn't procrastinated. Keep paint touch-ups in check without having to crack open a huge paint can with this clever little touch-up bottle.These Silicone Straws That Help Save The Sea Turtles
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For some reason, I find it completely repulsive to drink a liquid without the use of a straw. No matter what I'm drinking, it always seems to taste better. However, I realize how much unnecessary trash plastic disposable straws create, which is why these silicone straws offer the perfect solution. They also come with a brush for easy cleaning. I don't leave home without them!This Knife Sharpener That Rejuvinates Your Dull Set
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I've been trying to make an effort to cook more, which means I'm becoming more and more aware of how badly I need to replace all of my cookware. The problem with this is that it can be extremely expensive, and whenever I can find a way to avoid spending money, I jump on it. This nifty knife sharpener transforms my cheap knife set into one that seems far more expensive.This Wine Pump That Keeps Your Open Bottles Fresh
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My husband is a big fan of red wine, while I prefer white. This means that there are a lot of half-full bottles of wine sitting in our fridge or on our kitchen counter that ends up going bad, and then wind up being poured down the drain weeks later when I finally remember. This wine pump keeps your favorite drinks fresh for 10-times longer than a traditional cork.This Card Holder That Helps You Ditch The Bulky Wallet
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I used to have a large wallet that would get so filled with old receipts and loose change that it would barely close, and sometimes it would explode open in my purse and spill its entire contents onto the bottom of it. This small, compact cardholder holds the essentials and makes my purse roughly 5 pounds lighter. I want one in every color.This Moniter Stand That Doubles Your Desk Space
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I work from home, and my home office needs to be perfectly organized in order for me to actually be productive. My husband recently heard about this Bamboo Wood Monitor Computer Riser from a co-worker and recommended I try it out. Not only is my monitor now at the perfect height, but I also have added storage so my desk is much less cluttered. Win!These Drawer Organizers That Offer A Place For Everything
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Am I the only one who just feels a sense of peace when you open a drawer to find everything perfectly in its place? These drawer organizers make that dream a reality. They're great for bathroom drawers, junk drawers, office drawers, or anywhere else that could use a big dose of organization. The various sizes give you different options, and the clear design add a sleek look.This Lint Roller That Pulverizes Pet Hair
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I have a dog who sheds roughly her own body weight in hair every single day, meaning my house is covered in fur at all times. Every vacuum I've bought since adopting her has broken due to overuse, and it's gotten to the point where I've stopped fighting it and have given in to the dog hair tumbleweeds. Luckily, the idea of a clean house is a reality again, thanks to this ultra-strong lint roller.This Hair Styliing Station That Keeps Your Tools In Check
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I have a lot of hair, which means that I have a lot of styling tools that take up space in my bathroom. This hairstyling station not only gives you the perfect place to store your hairdryer, straightener, and curling iron, it also adds a majorly glam touch to your bathroom countertop. A word of warning: The wide variety of color options might make it hard to choose just one.These Ramekins That Make You Look Legit In The Kitchen
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If you don't do much cooking, you might not even know what the term "ramekin" means. But if you're looking for a way to seriously impress your guests at your next dinner party (or, perhaps, your first dinner party), try serving them their own mini soufflés in these classic and elegant dishes. Plus, they're just under $12 bucks for a set of 6.This Zester/Grater That You'll Want To Use Constantly
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A grater is a grater, right? Why would one be better than another? I myself might have been asking these same questions before I tried this one, but now I can never go back to a normal one again. The ridiculously sharp blades tear through hard cheese, veggies, citrus, or anything else you need to shred or grate, and the smart design makes it easy and comfortable to use.This Disgusting-Tasting Polish That'll Make You FINALLY Stop Biting Your Nails
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I've bitten my nails since grade school, and while it's an embarrassing habit to admit, it's proven to be an extremely difficult habit to break. I've tried everything to stop doing it, but it wasn't until I bought a bottle of this stuff that it actually stuck. Sure, it tastes terrible, but it definitely kept my fingers out of my mouth!This Silverware Tray That Makes Your Drawers 100% Less Cluttered
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Remember what I said about the sense of peace that comes over me when everything has its own place? That applies to my kitchen drawers as well. I have a terrible habit of buying any kitchen utensils that seem fun and shoving them into my drawers until they're too full to open. These organizers fit perfectly in your drawers and force you to throw out the tools you don't really need for an instantly streamlined result.This Sanitizer Spray That Kills 99.9% Of Germs
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Having a baby means washing and sanitizing your hands constantly. I can't tell you how many times per day I wash my hands, and it was getting to the point where my hands were so dry and cracked that they were practically bleeding. So when a friend told me about this sanitizer that actually hydrates skin, I jumped on it. Now I don't leave home without it in the diaper bag.This Steamer Tray That Steams Fish And Veggies To Perfection
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Here's a tip for impressing your friends and family members: Invite them over for a fancy meal of steamed fish and veggies that you've cooked with the help of this Microwavable Steamer and neglect to tell them how insanely easy it was to whip up such a succulent supper. They don't need to know that you didn't slave all day, right? Seriously, this thing is basically foolproof.This Toe Protector That Helps Those Pesky Ingrown Nails Heal Faster
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Another lovely aspect of being an adult? Sometimes you have to deal with gross, weird, and painful bodily issues, such as ingrown toenails, corns, and blisters! My husband seems to have a new foot issue pop up every day, so we always keep some of these Toe Caps on hand to help relieve the pain and pressure. They work like a charm!This Handy Book That Helps You Keep Track Of Your Passwords
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You're an adult now, so it's time to be done with constantly hitting the "forgot password" button. This handy little notebook gives you the perfect place to write down all of your passwords so you're never scrambling to remember the maiden name of your mother's great aunt's cousin ever again. I keep one in my purse and the other in my desk drawer so there's always one within reach.This Anti-Splatter Tray That Keeps Your Microwave Clean
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Even adults need to use the microwave every now and then. In fact, some of my favorite meals come straight out of my freezer and only take 2 minutes to cook. The only problem? The microwave tends to get really, really gross. The solution? This microwave cover. It prevents that disgusting food splatter that coats the inside of the microwave and is impossible to scrape off.This Universal Socket That'll Make You Feel Oh-So Handy
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I'll be honest: I'm not a handy person, and neither is my husband. This has proven to be unhelpful after we decided to buy a nearly 100-year-old-house that's in a constant state of disrepair, and my constant goal is to figure out how to take care of small household jobs without calling in the professionals. This universal socket makes me feel like I actually know what I'm doing around the house.This Exfoliating Brush That Keeps Your Legs Silky Smooth
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I tend to get horrible ingrown hairs in my legs, which results in those tiny red bumps that look horrible, feel awful, and take weeks to go away. So when a friend told me about this exfoliating brush that presents ingrown hairs and leaves legs oh-so-soft and smooth, I knew I had to try it. And it did not disappoint.This All_Natural Sponge That Cleans With Only Water
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My husband has an unnatural hatred of sponges. He scoffs every time I pick them up from the store and complains to no end about their horrendous musty smell. But since I switched over to these miraculous Nano Sponges, his complaining has stopped and I've even witnessed him going out of his way to clean the kitchen. I don't know how they manage to clean so well using just water, but I'll never go back to normal sponges again.This Extension Cord That Doubles Your Outlets
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Our extremely old house has an adorable quirk: It has hardly any outlets in it. Oh, and by "adorable", I mean "incredibly annoying". So to deal with that, we've invested in tons of different extension cord since buying the house, and I can honestly say that these are the best of the bunch. It instantly upgrades your number of outlets without looking bulky or cluttered.These Stainless Steel Measuring Spoons That Are Easy To Store
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Baking is one of those things that you really have to be precise about or you can ruin an entire dish. I learned this the hard way recently when I just gestimated the ingredients in zucchini bread and wound up with a loaf so incredibly dense and dry that I almost choked to death after taking a bite. These measuring spoons ensure that you get the right amount every time, and they also look great on your fridge.This Lid Holder That Solves An Annoying Problem
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Because I've been cooking so much more lately, the amount of leftovers in our house at any given time has doubled. I even had to buy more storage containers in order to keep these leftovers fresh, and the lids have an uncanny way of getting lost in our cabinets. This lid holder solves that irritating problem by keeping them neat, tidy, and right where you need them.This Hole-Filler That'll Make You Want To Patch EVERY Hole In Your House
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The other day, I decided to take the initiative to actually hang up some artwork that I'd been meaning to hang since we bought our house a year ago. While hammering in the nail, I took one wrong "whack" and chipped a huge chunk of plaster out of my wall. This Erase A-Hole saved me hundreds on a handyman and the hole was filled in less than 5 minutes.These Chilly Socks That Soothe Sore Feet
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Part of being a grown-up is experiencing new and exciting aches and pains every single day. During my pregnancy, my feet swelled to twice their normal size, and by the fifth month my husband was so sick of giving me foot rubs that he bought me these Cool Gel Therapy Socks. Boy, did they do the trick. I still wear them almost daily.This Helpful Plaque That Keeps Your Pup From Going Hungry
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My life is pretty hectic these days. Between constantly feeding my baby and the never-ending diaper changes, remembering to feed the dog can sometimes be a challenge. There are days when she's forced to pick her bowl up and throw it across the room for us to get the picture that she's hungry. This helpful plaque lets you keep track of feedings and sticks directly onto the wall for easy access.These Bulbs That Give You Light When You Need It Most
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Being an adult means being prepared for every emergency. What would you do if your power went out right now and you were left in pitch darkness? If your answer is "sit in complete and utter shock while wondering what to do", I have the perfect product for you: These rechargeable LED lightbulbs. They have a battery-backup option which allows you to use them even without access to power. How smart is that?!Trending
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