15 Products So Well-Made You'll Never Need To Replace Them

Is there anything more satisfying than buying a beautifully-designed product that performs its intended function perfectly, over and over again?

Yep, there is.

It's finding that same product for less than a dinner for two at Chipotle. That's right, you can still find products you'll use every day for less than $20 that'll very possibly outlast you: from a set of top-rated nail clippers, to the last thermos you'll ever need.

We hope you find these products as fascinating as we do. We've picked them out to share because we love them, not because we're being paid to. However, 22Words does participate in the Amazon affiliate program, and can receive a share of sales from links on this page.


We hope you find these products as awesome as we do. Just an FYI: We are a participant in the Amazon affiliate program, and may receive a share of sales from links on this page. Prices on Amazon fluctuate so anything mentioned below might change as soon we publish it!

This Cast Aluminum Bialetti That'll Make Your Espresso For Decades

via: Bialetti

Constructed from cast aluminum, the Bialetti hasn't changed since its invention over 80 years ago. Find it on Amazon

This Industrial-Strength Lightning Cable Will Charge Your Phone Forever

via: Anker

Sure, it's slightly more expensive than your typical lightning cable, but it'll last about 15 times as long. Find it on Amazon

One Of These Lodge Cast Iron Pans That'll Last More Than A Lifetime

via: Lodge

Lodge has been manufacturing cast-iron cookware for around 120 years. Which is about how long your newest Lodge skillet will last you. Find it on Amazon

This Classic Moleskine Notebook Will Hold All Your Thoughts

via: Moleskine

Beautiful paper + impeccably sewn binding + life-proof cover = one of the best notebooks on the market. You'll fill it up long before you'll wear it out. Find it on Amazon

These Harperton Nail Clippers Will Be The Last Ones You Ever Buy

via: Harperton

The Harperton's stainless steel construction is paired with razor-sharp cutting edges, putting them in a class of their own when it comes to sub-$20 clippers. Find it on Amazon

This Nalgene Bottle You Had In College You Can Hand Down To Your Kids

via: Nalgene

There's no substitute for a simple, bulletproof, shatterproof, drop-proof water bottle. Find it on Amazon

This Opinel Folding Knife Has Been Popular For Well Over A Century

via: Opinel

The Opinel knife was born in 1892, the preferred tool of vinters, farmers, and sheepherders alike. It hasn't changed since. Find it on Amazon

This Solid Metal Mechanical Pencil You Will Never Need To Replace

via: Rotring

The Rotring 600 may be the best mechanical pencil ever built. With a matte black powdercoating over a solid brass body, it's got a heft and durability you won't find in any other writing tool. Find one on Amazon

These Hefty Gingher Shears That'll Cut Through Anything

via: Gingher

The Germans know how to make a scissor. Find them on Amazon

This Space Pen That's Built For Outer Space And A Lifetime Of Use

via: Fisher

If it's good enough for NASA, it's good enough for me. Find the Space Pen on Amazon

This Bulletproof Stanley Thermos That's Just Like The One Your Grandfather Used

via: Stanley PMI

Perfect for anywhere from the campsite to the office, the classic Stanley vacuum thermos is a classic for a reason. Find it on Amazon

Channel Your Inner Milton With The Immortal Swingline 747 Stapler

via: Swingline

Sexy? No, it's a stapler. But there is something so satisfying about a product that's built to last. However humble its purpose. Find it on Amazon

These Stainless Steel Tweezers That Will Pluck Your Eyebrows Till You're Too Old To Care

via: Tweezerman

Buy a pair of Tweezerman tweezers, and they throw in a lifetime of sharpening services for free. Find it on Amazon

This Compact Swiss Army Knife That'll Handle Anything You Throw At It

via: Victorinox

Odds are you'd lose this top-quality little pocket knife long before you'd ever wear it out. Find it on Amazon

This Dirt-Cheap Paring Knife Will Cut Through Almost Anything

via: Victorinox

You will not find a better knife for anything close to this price. Victorinox's fibrox line may be humble, but it's razor-sharp and bulletproof. Find one on Amazon for $9.65