It's taken you all your life, but you've finally done it: You've reached full-grown womanhood. Congratulations! Give yourself a big 'ol pat on the back, because living your grown-AF lady life isn't always easy. Trust me, I know this firsthand.
So wouldn't it be nice if you had some products that made your day to day life just a tiny bit easier? The following 36 products are the perfect combo of brilliant, handy, and completely adorable. A fair warning, though: It might be tough to get through this post without spending some cash.
We hope you find these products as awesome as we do. Just an FYI: We are a participant in the Amazon affiliate program, and may receive a share of sales from links on this page. Prices on Amazon fluctuate so anything mentioned below might change as soon we publish it!
Good thing they're all surprisingly affordable, too!
We hope you find these handy products as awesome as we do. Just an FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.
These Gel Pens That Have A Purrfectly Precious Design
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Sure, you may be a grown AF lady, but that doesn't mean you've completely forgotten about the things you loved as a middle schooler. Like these adorable cat pens, for example. The gel formula means it glides effortlessly across the paper, and the sweet kitty accents add a major dose of cuteness to your desk. And who couldn't use a pick-me-up at work, right?This Recycling Sorter That Will Make You Feel SO Grown Up
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Recycling is important. I know that it might take a little bit longer to divide up your recycling and your trash, but if we can take even the tiniest steps to help Mother Earth it's totally worth it. This recycling sorter takes the guesswork out of it and makes it easy to feel like you're doing something good for the planet.This Drying Rack That Takes Up Minimal Space
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If you're one of those people who just drape your wet clothes on various pieces of furniture throughout your house to dry them (like I do), this retractable clothing rack is about to blow your mind. It screws securely into the wall and can be expanded and retracted so it takes up minimal space. Plus, it keeps your non-dryable clothes fresh and wrinkle-free.This Meal Planner That Makes Your Week WAY More Organized
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I like to cook, and while I'm, admittedly, not very good about it, it's fun to try out new recipes and I love the satisfying feeling of eating a delicious meal that I made with my own two hands. But lately, I've been in a total recipe rut. I made the same five meals every week, and boy, does that get old fast. This weekly recipe planner helps me think outside the box and keep track of what I've cooked so I'm not constantly re-doing recipes.These Drawer Organizers That You'll Want In Every Room
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I am not a naturally organized person. In fact, I tend to just throw stuff in drawers until they won't close anymore, which is probably the reason why most of them don't close anymore. I really need to pick up some of these storage organizers. They're made from sturdy plastic that keeps them from cracking, and the clear design looks oh-so chic.This Wine Saver That Means You Don't Have To Drink The Whole Bottle
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Most grown-up ladies know how much wine can turn a bad day around. There are few things more relaxing than getting home from work and immediately kicking off your shoes, plopping down on the couch, and enjoying a smooth glass of vino. But if you're like most people, you don't usually down the entire bottle in one sitting. This wine saver allows you to pump all the air out so it stays fresh for days after opening.This Handy Planner That's Also A Mousepad
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I'm all about multitasking products and this planner that doubles as a mousepad is one of my favorites. Not only does it have a plethora of spots for "to-do's", but it's also hilariously quirky and includes a spot for doodles and the perfect place to set your pen. You'll never have to dig through your entire desk searching for a writing utensil again!This Spice Rack Drawer Organizer That Keeps Your Spices In Check
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I love how the right types of spices can add major flavor to your meals without adding unnecessary fat or sugar. This is probably the reason why my spice drawer is overflowing with spices. This drawer organizer allows you to store up to 24 spice bottles, and the soft foam material keeps spice bottles in place. They can also be trimmed to fit any sized drawer.This Handsome Tumbler That's Easy To Clean
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How much water have you had so far today? If the answer is "none", you really need to invest in a high-quality water bottle. And if you choose a stylish one like this glass tumbler with straw, you might actually be more motivated to use it. It's dishwasher safe, comes in a variety of cute colors, and looks great with pretty much any outfit.These Clothing Storage Bags That Keep Them Smelling Fresh
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You've probably seen charcoal showing up in a lot of products these days, and while it might seem like a bit of a gimmick, it actually has powerful antibacterial properties that do a lot for your skin, teeth, and hair. Oh, and your clothes, too, since it serves as a natural deodorizer. These charcoal storage bags keep your winter clothes smelling fresh all summer long, and vice versa.This Umbrella That Repels Water
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Spring means flowers blooming, birds singing, and...rain. Lots and lots of rain. And your cheap grocery store umbrella just isn't going to cut it when there's a deluge outside. This fancy schmancy umbrella has a Teflon coating that repels water and a windproof design that keeps it intact even during the most intense thunderstorm. Don't leave home during a monsoon without this thing!These Cut-Resistant Gloves That Keep Your Digits Safe
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While I wouldn't call myself a great cook by any means, I know my way around a kitchen. And I've cut myself probably a hundred times at this point in my life. Thankfully I haven't cut off a finger yet, but it's only a matter of time. These cut-resistant gloves give you major peace of mind while chopping, slicing, filleting, or whatever else you typically do with a knife.This Roller Stamp That Protects Your Identity
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Part of being a grown-AF lady is knowing what to do with your sensitive information. You don't want to just throw out our your old tax documents or paystubs, but keeping them in a box in your basement for over 10 years is probably not the best idea either. This identity theft protection stamp keeps your info safe and, honestly, is super fun to use.This Hanging Wall Organizer That Keeps Your Important Documents Where You Need Them
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Oh, and speaking of important documents that you don't know what to do with, where do you store the ones that you actually have to hang on to? This hanging wall organizer features six different folders in vibrant colors which each hold 50 documents each. Each pocket is removable so it's easy to place the documents you need inside and then replace them for effortless organization.This Insulated Tote That's A Summer Essential
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Summer is almost here, and I, for one, plan to spend most of it outside on a blanket with a frosty cold beverage in my hand, preferably of the alcoholic variety. This adorable insulated tote will make my boozy summer dreams come true. It keeps your favorite drinks cold for hours and has a waterproof liner so it won't leak.These Storage Jars That Interlock For Easy Storage
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I take my snacking pretty seriously. In fact, since I work from home, I'm pretty much just constantly snacking all day long, and when I'm out and about I always have to have my favorite snacks with me. These interlocking jars are the perfect size for nuts, chips, crackers, candy, or pills and supplements for those who tend to be less food-obsessed than I am.This Infuser That Transforms Your Locks
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Okay, I'll admit that my hair is, in fact, completely straight. There's no curl at all, and all I have to do is run a comb through it when it's wet and I'll get perfectly straight locks just by air drying. My curly haired friends want to kill me because of this and are constantly complaining about how hard it is to get their curls to look anything but frizzy. If you have curly hair, you need this infuser in your life.These Glass Drinking Straws That Are Good For The Environment
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You've probably heard about how horrible plastic straws are for the environment, but that can be a tough pill to swallow if you have a profound love of drinking out of straws like I do. I can't explain it, but liquids just taste better when you drink them out of a straw. That's a proven fact. That's what makes these reusable straws so ingenious. They're environmentally friendly and come with a bristle brush so they're easy to clean.This Mail Organizer That Also Keeps Track Of Your Keys
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Are you absent-minded? Have you gone on a rampage across your house trying to find your keys when you should have left for work 40 minutes ago? Are you constantly wishing you had the perfect place to store your various pieces of mail and keys so you can avoid these last-minute freakouts? This mail organizer is not only insanely cute, but it also makes your life about a million times easier.This Bathroom Book That Will Entertain Your Guests
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Have you ever gone into someone's home and seen something so adorably hilarious that you just had to have it for yourself? That's exactly what I thought about this bathroom guest book that I discovered at a friend's house. But instead of stealing it, I just shelled out the $12.87 and bought one for myself. And few things give me more joy in life than flipping through this delightful book.This Lighted Makeup Mirror That Provides 10X Magnification
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I know what you're thinking: Why would I want to look at my face magnified 10 times? That just sounds horrifying. But trust me on this one, this mirror will change the way you do your makeup. You'll be able to actually see what your skin looks like for, perhaps, the first time ever, and will be able to adjust your makeup and skincare regimen accordingly.This Skintag Remover That Takes Care Of An Annoying Problem
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If you're thinking about how terrifying this device looks, fear not: It doesn't actually hurt. But it does remove those unsightly and uncomfortable skin tags that are currently covering your body. It creates a tight band around the tag to cut off the blood supply, allowing it to fall off a few days later. If you thought you had to pay a professional hundreds of dollars to burn off your skin tags, think again!This Water Flosser That Will Make Your Teeth Cleaner Than Ever Before
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You know that amazing feeling when you run your tongue over your perfectly clean teeth after you leave the dentist's office? This water flosser will give you that same feeling every. single. day. It has a high-pressure design that blasts food and plaque out from between your teeth to cut down on cavities, bad breath, and gingivitis. Once you try this thing once, you'll be hooked for life.These Bamboo Sheets That Are Hypoallergenic
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Ready to completely upgrade your bedding for under $30 bucks? This six-piece luxury sheet set is eco-friendly, hypoallergenic, and wrinkle-resistant, and the silky soft texture will make you feel like you're sleeping on WAY more expensive sheets that you actually are. Plus, they come in roughly one million different colors, so you're guaranteed to find something that fits your decor scheme.This Shower Mat Turns Your Bathroom Into A Spa
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Every grown lady could use some time every day to pamper herself and recharge. But, at the same time, most grown ladies have basically zero room in their day to add any time for pampering. So why not simply replace your old, tired bath mat with this bamboo one? Suddenly, you'll feel like you're stepping into a spa every time you step out of your shower.This Desk Organizer That Cleans Up Your Workspace
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My desk is, in a word, gross. It's totally unorganized, covered in books and papers, and I tend to eat lunch on it so there's always a few leftover dishes taking up space. This desktop organizer could be the ticket to me finally transforming my space from chaos into total zen. Not only does it have the perfect spot for everything, it actually adds a major dose of style as well.These Stress-Relieving Balls That Soothe Tired Muscles
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Why pay $50 bucks for a massage when you can grab these massage balls for only $9.99 instead? These handy balls offer pinpointed relief to your most tense and inflamed muscles. Just roll them under your neck, foot, lower back, or anywhere else you need immediate relief. Plus, the 100% solid rubber construction makes them insanely durable. You couldn't break these suckers even if you tried.This Mixing Bowl Set That Will Last Basically Forever
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I got this six-piece Pyrex mixing bowl set as a wedding present, and I must say, I never thought I'd be so excited about something so boring. It's a mixing bowl set. Big deal, right? WRONG. The glass is incredibly durable, it won't absorb odors, it's dishwasher safe, and the colorful variety of lids mean they double as Tupperware. I'm basically obsessed with these things.This Pepper Mill That Instantly Upgrades Any Meal
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If you're looking for a way to impress your family and friends and make them think to themselves, "Man, she's really got it together. I wish I could be as grown-up and successful as she is," this is the product for you. The difference between old, stale pepper and freshly ground pepper is HUGE, and it's something you need to experience for yourself.This Pink Clay Soap That Will Change Your Skin Forever
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I've never been much of a bar soap person. I've always assumed that it's going to dry out my already dried out and acne prone skin, and I've consistently stayed away from it out of fear of making my face look even rougher than it already is. But this pink clay soap is not like the others. It naturally draws out impurities and toxins while adding serious hydration.This Set Of Velvet Hangers That Gives Your Closet A Facelift
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Here is yet another product that I bought on a whim without realizing how much it would change my life. Okay, so that might be a bit dramatic, but considering the sad collection of broken and mismatched hangers I had before buying these, I think it's safe to say that this set of black velvet hangers has done wonders for my closets.These Sikicone Tipped Tongs That You'll Use Constantly
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Recently, I ran into a ton of kitchen situations that made me say to myself, "Man, I could really use some tongs right now." So I picked up this set of tongs and I can't recommend them more. The strong silicone tips mean your precious meat, fruits, or veggies won't slip out of them, and the heat-resistant design makes them perfect for use on the grill.This Drying Rack That Fits Right Over Your Sink
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Here's some life advice that I'd really like you to take to heart: Stop washing your non-dishwasher safe stuff in your dishwasher. I'm guilty of doing it too, which is why my cutting board cracked in half and all of my knives are rusted. This drying rack fits conveniently over your sink and has a collapsible design for easy storage.This Set Of Underwear That's Basically Like A Second Skin
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Being a grown-up lady doesn't mean you have to wear granny panties. But it also doesn't mean you should be forced to wear uncomfortable undergarments. These set of six panties are made from breathable cotton, provide full coverage, and fit so perfectly to your body that you'll probably forget you're even wearing them. I can't believe I've wasted so many years wearing the wrong type of undies!This Meat Thermometer That Gives You Confidence In The Kitchen
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Whenever I'm cooking a meal for guests that involves a large chunk of meat, I always worry that I won't cook it thoroughly enough and will end up giving everyone food poisoning. What a bummer of an evening that would be! So now, instead of worrying, I just use this digital meat thermometer instead. It gives me an instant, accurate reading so I never have to guess that my meat is done.This Travel Makeup Bag That Gives You A Spot For Everything
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My flexible schedule allows me to travel a lot, and it's made me appreciate high-quality travel items like a sturdy suitcase, a spacious carry-on bag, and the perfect makeup case like this one. Not only is it the perfect not too big, not too small size, but it's also completely waterproof, so if something spills or breaks it won't ruin all the clothes you packed for your trip. Genius, no?Trending
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