How to Bake the Perfect Homemade Pie (2020)

Who doesn't love a good pie? Whether it's sweet or savory, fruity or creamy, there are a thousand great pie recipes out there to try. But that begs the question: how do you make the perfect homemade pie?

If you're ready to hone your baking and pie-making skills (and impress the people you serve your pies to) then keep reading. Obviously, we can't cover every single type of pie here, but weĀ can help you gather everything you'll need to conquer any recipe. There are plenty of utensils and tools needed to craft a perfect pie's crust and filling, but don't worry. With this handy guide, you can get ahold of all that and more.

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So check out the list below, and prepare to become the master pie baker of your family or friend group!

We hope you find these handy products as awesome as we do. Just an FYI: we participate in affiliate programs, and may receive a share of sales from links on this page.

First, you'll need mixing bowls to get your pie filling together.

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Whether you're mixing up concentrated pumpkin and spice, apples and cinnamon, strawberries and rhubarb, or something else, you'll need a set of strong mixing bowls to do the job. This set of 5 stainless steel mixing bowls come in every size you could possibly need for mixing and combining ingredients.

You may also need a food processor.

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Mixing by hand isn't always an option, especially when your mixture starts getting overly thick. So, make sure you've got a food processor on hand that can do the job. It's also great for mixing up your own pie crust!

Get a good set of measuring cups and spoons.

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During all this, you'll be measuring out spices, fruits, and other ingredients for the pie. We all know that you can't make a good pie without proper measuring instruments! Make sure yours are up to date with this set that includes both cupsĀ and spoons.

You'll need to roll out the pie crust with a rolling pin.

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If you make your crust from scratch, then it goes without saying it'll need to be rolled out. But even if you go for the storebought stuff, it often isn't the right size for your pie plates - you'll need to roll that out just a bit too. And luckily, not only does this set come with two rolling pins, but also a pastry mat and two cookie cutters!

And use a bench scraper to make sure you're getting all the dough!

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Whether it's chopping and peeling fruit or collecting dough, a bench scraper is handy for making sure you're not wasting anything - and only leaving behind what youĀ mean to leave behind. You'll use this for a couple different stages of pie-making, so be sure to have one on hand.

Have some pie crust weights on hand too.

via: Amazon

When baking certain pies (like pumpkin, for example) your crust will need to be blind-baked before the filling goes in. That's where these pie crust weights come in useful; they stop the crust from shrinking, bubbling, or buckling while in the oven!

When you're ready, it's time for the pie plates.

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This was the part of the process youĀ had to see coming: put the lower crust into the pie plate, rolled out enough that some dough falls over the side, and then pour your filling in on top. Add your top layer of crust (if the recipe calls for it) and your pie will be nearly ready to bake!

There are plenty of prettier pie plates out there, too.

via: Amazon

So if you want your pie plate to be a little classier than the simple clear deal above, those are not hard to find! Take this one, for example.

One more step before you stick the pie in the oven.

via: Amazon

If your pie has a top crust (an apple pie, for example), you'll want to add this finishing touch. Use a pastry brush and spread a mixture of an egg yolk beaten withĀ 1 teaspoon of water on the top of your pie. It'll have a glossy finish when it comes out of the oven!

Then, when the pie is done, simply enjoy!

via: Amazon

Cut the pie into pieces, grab your pie server, and dish up some deliciousness! And voila! That's everything you'll need to make the perfect pie at home.